Today’s Gag

April 29, 2015
1505:STUPID-BlogCopyright © 2015 Jim Sizemore.



Today’s Quote

April 26, 2015

Karl Ove Knausgaard

From My Saga, Part 2, NYT Magazine, March 15, 2015

Translated by Ingvild Burkey from the Norwegian
Photo: Marita Algroy 

KnausgaardAlgroy“We drove west all evening. The murmuring heater, the even hum of the engine and the compact darkness outside had a hypnotic effect. It was as if we were no longer in this world, at least I felt that way, and I told Peter things I never told anyone. He sat without moving in  his seat as I talked. Normally, it took me years to trust people. Peter, I trusted after a few hours. I had no idea why, but I believed everything my intuition told me; no knowledge seemed more accurate.”

Hip Shots

April 22, 2015


By Shawn Sizemore

(Click images to enlarge.)



The “Hip Shots” series of photographs will feature images that were grabbed “on the fly,” with little or no regard for framing and focus. The object of the exercise is to create dynamic pictures, not perfect ones. With this ” shoot-from-the-hip” method, the more frames exposed the better the chances are that you’ll come up with something interesting — a related series that may be arranged as a post. If you’d like additional tips for using the technique, or to submit your own images, drop a question or note in the “Leave a Comment” section, below.

Copyright © 2015, Shawn Sizemore

Today’s Gag

April 16, 2015
1504:MESSAGE-BlogCopyright © 2015 Jim Sizemore.



Jim Whiting, 1926-2015

April 3, 2015


(Click images to enlarge.)
Photo from San Diego Union Tribune

It’s been a rough week for the cartooning community. The NCS has lost another longtime member with the news that cartoonist Jim Whiting passed away on March 29th. Jim was a fixture at the annual Reuben Awards Weekend, and was a wonderful, warm and talented man. He worked for decades doing gag cartoons for hundreds of clients, authored and illustrated several books and collections of his works, and was a driving force behind the Southern California Chapter of the NCS.

Jim’s Bio from his website, which demonstrates his self-deprecating sense of humor:

Jim Whiting began his career as a magazine cartoonist, creating chuckles for such well respected national publications as The Saturday Evening Post, Colliers, and LOOK magazine, remember any of them?

Following a short stint at a successful advertising agency in NYC, (unnamed here to protect its reputation), Jim began to sell his original cartoons to the above-mentioned clients and over 75 additional publications.  Mr. Whiting has created countless illustrations for books, magazines and presentations and developed drawings used to sell numerous products.

Jim Whiting has lived in Southern California with his wife, Bernita since 1984 and they are happiest about the fact that their five children (all out of the nest now) are also five of their best friends.

For Jim, tennis is a passion. Whether watching or playing the game, a day with some tennis is always a better day!

Magic is also a rewarding hobby for Jim since grade school. Ask him for a quick illusion and smile along. But never ask how it’s done, ’cause he won’t tell…

Here’s an article on Jim and his career from the San Diego Union Tribune from 2013.

012This is a re-post from the National Cartoonists Society website.